
Wednesday 2 February 2011

B- Technical analysis- The Eye

The Eye (2008, Moreau)- Psychological Thriller

Over view of film-

Sydney Wells is a successful classical violinist who has been blind since the age of five. Fifteen years later, Sydney undergoes a cornea transplant, which causes her eyesight to return, a bit blurry at first. As time goes on, Sydney's vision begins to clear; however, she also begins experiencing terrifying visions, mostly of fire and of people dying. She knows that she is not going insane. She finds herself in Mexico, where the donated corneas were originally from. The fire and people dying are the result of an industrial accident that the former donor foretold and shortly after that hanged herself because she could not stop the accident from occurring. Her job is to stop it.

After conducting a technical analysis on this film i have found...

Type of shots

  • The use of close ups in this film opening create a sense of tension and makes the audience feel closer to the action an example of a close up is 'Shot 31- CU of the woman's face following a tear rolling down her cheek' this adds emphasis to the fact that she is crying making the action seem more realistic and engaging the audience.

  • The use of MLS to show the scene is also used within this film opening for example 'Shot 11- MLS of the house with door open' this helps to position the audience within the action as they are close enough to feel part but also get to see the scene. This therefore makes the audience feel on edge creating a thrill. (Here is a shot of the house)

  • High angle shots are also used in the opening in order to position the audience with the woman and create a sense of vulnerability in order to make the audience feel even more scared for her.


  • The transitions in this film opening are mainly create through the use of a blank screen for example, 'Shot 9- is simply a black screen' as well as 'Shot 7- also being a black screen yet anchored with the music to create a sense of tension'

  • The use of the black screen creates a sense of tension and a feeling of unknown in order to make the audience want to keep watching but be afraid to know what is coming next. This engages the audience and creates an enigmatic feel following conventions of the thriller genre.

  • One transition i liked imparticular was 'Shot 14- the light bulb seems to go out creating a sense of the unknown and an enigmatic effect' this is then followed by another shot making the audience feel more involved in the action. (Here is a still to show this shot)

  • Quick cuts are also used to add tension and create a dramatic effect within this opening this then creates an enigmatic effect and grabs the audiences attention.

Mise en scene

  • The lighting in this clip is very dark and seems to create shadows, this follows the generic conventions of a thriller as it creates a sense of the unknown an example of when this is used successfully in this film opening is at 'Shot 6- where the camera fades to a grassy area' (Here is an example of the grassy area showing the dark lighting)

  • The props used in this clip iconic of thriller conventions for example the rope and the pipe in which it is tied around this follows the audiences expectations of the film as well as making it more enigmatic and effective.

  • The set design also follows the generic conventions of a thriller, the room is dirty and UN decorated therefore giving the impression of the dark side and UN caring an example of a shot which shows this is 'Shot 21- which is a cut into the house showing a shadow on the undecorated wall'

  • The non verbal language shown by the main character portrays the idea of being unstable through the fact that she is jumpy and crying this creates tension in the narrative and keeps the audience interested.


  • The sound of cogs to show the lions gate title creates an instant feel of anticipation and puts the audience on edge as well as creating a sense of tension grabbing the audiences attention.

  • The sound in the opening of this film is used to anchor the action, for example we can hear a faint sound of feet running through grass creating the impression that someone is getting closer. This is used to make the audience feel surrounded therefore creating a thrill.

  • The main soundtrack is dull and slow creating the sense of eeriness and building tension for the opening of the film. This follows the conventions of a thriller.

  • Other sound effects are also used in the opening of this film such as screaming, slamming doors and the shaking of the light bulb, this creates a sense of realism for the audience and bring the narrative to life. Therefore creating an enigmatic feel and fulfilling the conventions of a thriller.

Link to the video-

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