
Tuesday 3 May 2011

Group- Results from audience research- screening.

To collect our audience research we used a variety of questionnaires and video interviews. Here is an example of our questionnaire...

Results from questionnaire

Here's our video responses

Overview of responses...

-Overall the responses from our video responses were positive and followed the same criticism as the questionnaires. The main positive response to our opening was the variety of shots and special effects and the main negative response was the speed of our cuts, again this is because out opening is in the style of a montage thus needs to be fast pace. Although our audience felt that our was to fast pace and they were not given enough time to view some shots.

-Both video responses identified the correct lead character 'Abbi' showing that this was clearly shown within our opening.

-The use of a montage has proven to be successful as most audience members felt that it was different and interesting although the speed of our cuts did let the montage down.

-The genre of our opening was also correctly identified showing that we followed the conventions of our opening and were successful in creating a psychological thriller opening.

What worked best?

-Overall i would say that the questionnaires worked best as in the video responses people seemed to be more self conscious and less likely to give a truthful response. Although both forms of audience research worked well the questionnaire responses gave us a more detailed response as well as more people being willing to review the clip.

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