
Sunday 10 April 2011

B- Evaluation 2- Social Groups

Our media product and its representation of social groups

-Overall the style of our opening is post modern as it is a mix of different styles and takes the form of a montage, this makes it unique and different from other film opening.

-Our opening is also ambiguous in that the true meaning of the opening is not clear as well as being polysemic, open to the audiences interpretatrion again this shows difference in our opening compared to normal conventions.

-The social group that appears in our piece is white, middle class females. Other social groups such as difference races, males and working class are not represented in our piece and they do not appear in our film opening.

-The white middle class females represented in our piece and represented both positively and negatively as we have two opposing characters one being the antagonist and the other a protagonist. Although there are prominent codes of feminist shown in our opening which do follow the typical conventions of the female gender.

-Again there are two representations of white middle class females within our opening as one follows the typical gender role ideology in that she is the protagonist therefore portrayed and weak and vulnerable. Also, part of her costume is purple which also follows the stereotypical feminine representation. Here is an example of the costume...

-Although, the main character is also a white middle class female but challenges the typical gender roles and conventions as she is the antagonist and is portrayed to be vicious and strong therefore holding typical masculine traits. Her costume also reinforces this as she is wearing a masculine jumper and dark colours which again are more conventions of a typical male character. Here is an example of the costume...

-The non verbal language of the two characters also follows these conventions, the antagonist shows little emotion and is very stern looking, and this follows the conventions of a stereotypical male character as men are not normally known to show emotions. In contrast to this the stock character and protagonist is shown to be laughing and smiling therefore again follows the typical gender conventions of a female character as females are stereotypically shown to show emotions. Here is an example of the shot...

-The sound we used doesn’t reflect traditional gender roles, as there is not one specific sound played the whole way through, some aspects such as the music box sound do reflect the stereotypical view of female but this is contrasted with deeper sounds such as a drone which could reflect a more masculine trait. This very much anchors the footage which has the same conflict between the traditional feminine traits of one female and the not so traditional traits of the other.

-Looking at the macro issues of our film opening, and how it serves to reinforce or challenge ideologies I feel that although our film opening does reinforce feminine traits within one character it does challenge the stereotypical and western ideologies of women with the other. The reason we created this division is to show the diversity in reflection of today’s world both conforming to the traditional ideological discourse of women as being vulnerable and easily challenged as well as challenging them by showing a stronger woman.

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