
Friday 21 January 2011

B- Form, style and generic conventions of film openings

    What do we mean by form, style and generic conventions?
  • Form is the structure of a film opening, therefore what is included. This can be created in different ways and started from any of the points below...
  • EquilibriumDisequilibrium- Resolution (Everything is fine and normal) (Something awful happens) (Its resolved)
  • Style refers to the directors style of opening for example quirky uses of graphics
  • Generic conventions are the features of a film which enable them to be placed in a certain genre
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World (Wright,2010)- Teen

Form- The form of this opening is linear as it has a conventional structure. There is a voice over establishing the character exposition as well as the location.

Style- The style of this film opening has many inter textual references, for example the comic book effect relating it to the comic and the writing at the very start of the clip in the sky such as star wars text was shown. The overall style in this represents a post modern effect which matches the genre of teen.

Generic conventions- The generic conventions is this clip very much represent the idea of a teen comedy therefore appealing to the targeted audience. It follows the stock plot of a boy bringing a new girlfriend into the friendship group but also has a modernistic twist, he has left school. The themes in this also convey that of the genre, they are relationships, friendship and finding your way in life.

Amityville Horror (Douglas,2005)- Horror

Form- The form of this film is linear, first we are shown text saying based on a true story followed by the date which is a conventional opening to a horror. The action then goes to the family who get murdered, therefore the film starts at disequilibrium as it shows the awful mass murder which is the 'awful' part of action.

Style- The style of the film is conventional, the dark lighting, flashing lights and sound of bad weather all follow the typical opening of a horror film.

Generic conventions- The generic conventions follow the trend for horror films. First the antagonist (man who shoots the family) is shown then the audience is positioned with the protagonist's who are the family. Things such as llighting and the horrible weather also follow the generic conventions. Another thing to do this is the house, which is a stock location and is very isolated. The iconography used in the opening also follows the horror genre generic conventions as god and the super natural and brought to the audiences attention.
Seven (Fincher, 1995)- Thriller

  • Form- The form of this opening is linear, we are first shown the opening credits followed by character exposition (the antagonist) this is a typical opening of a thriller as it automatically creates a sense of fear to the audience who are being positioned near the antagonist.
  • Style- The style of the film opening is typical of a thriller, we do not see the antagonist's face therefore creating a sense of the 'unknown' which automatically creates tension and fear. The dull lighting and dark colours also follow the stereotypical conventions of a film opening.
  • Generic conventions- The generic conventions in this film opening follow a very typical thriller film opening. This is through the used of dark lighting to convey a feeling of the unknown and the iconography used, such as needles and books. The characters also help to follow typical conventions as the audience is exposed to the antagonist therefore creating a thrill and grabbing their attention straight away.

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