
Wednesday 30 March 2011

B- Shots of our editing

Here are some shots from our opening which we are editing in the software premier.

Here is our opening shot- i think this works well as it is from a low angle representing Abbi as the antagonist. I also think that the branches in the back ground work really well and are effective.

Here is a shot of the station shoot, Becki Murdered. I think that the location works well as it is urban following the conventions of a thriller and the fake blood looks really effective.

Here is a shot of our 'Crowd shoot' this was in Tunbridge wells town and works well as Abbi really stands out, her facial expression follows the idea of her being afflicted and as we speed up the clip the crowd mass increases.

Here is a shot from the park, here we were trying to create the effect of Abbi feeling guilt when imagining the girl to be happy. I think that this worked well.

Here is the bath shot inspired by the black swan, this shot works really well as a transition between her dream and reality.

B- Update of progress

30/03/11- Again today we spent time editing our footage and working on the effects for our montage, i think that its coming on really well although there is still a lot to do in order to meet our deadlines. Today we also uploaded the re shoot of the waking up shot and some woodland shots which we are planning to use in our montage, these look good. To do...

  • Upload the story board info onto blogger

  • Choose sound

  • Add font to our clip

B- More progress

29/03/11- Today i continued to edit our footage and really made progress in cutting down the footage that we had for the dream montage. Overall i think that we are keeping on track though the effects are harder and more time consuming than we first anticipated.

Monday 28 March 2011

B- Keeping on track research

Using- One clip which really inspired me from this website was...

B- Update of progress- 28/03/11

28/03/11- Today we uploaded the re-shoot of the time lapse shot in Bodiam footage onto premier and cut the bits we did not feel we needed. We also continued editing our other footage including cutting bits we did not need and playing around with effects. As well as this we have worked on the continuity of the murder scene. Still left to do...

  • Re- shoot of the waking up shot- 29/03/11

  • Title and sound

  • Shoot of the books/ magazines.- 29/03/11

Friday 25 March 2011

Group- 2 weeks to go!

Things we need to do in order to keep to our deadline:
  • Re shoot the waking up shot, 29/03/11
  • Re shoot the 'time lapse' 26/03/11
  • Shoot books/magazines 29/03/11
  • Call sheets and risk assessments for all shoots.
  • Keep blog up to date including shoot evaluations.
  • Decide on sound for our opening
  • Download the font we are using in our opening.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Group- Evaluation Of High Brooms and Tunbridge Wells shoot DRAFT

Planning of the shoot

Location- High Brooms and Tunbridge wells. Here is a picture taken from our location, High Brooms Station.

Here is the call sheet for the shoot-

Here is the risk assessment for the shoot-

Shots we are going to do-

The shots which we are planning to do are, the crowded shot to shot iscoloation at Tunbridge Wells and the murder at High Brooms.

These are shot numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19 and 22 on our story board.

Evaluation- 17/03/11

Today we used our free lesson time and lunch to film the most important part of our opening sequence footage. We filmed in Tunbridge Wells high street for the shot of 'Ada' in the middle of a crowd. Originally we had planned for this to be shot at the station as there would be more people but after inquiring whether this would be allowed we were not permitted to film there so we improvised and found that the high street was just as suitable a location.

AP Evaluation Of Bodiam Shoot 'Time Lapse'

On the 19/03/11 I filmed the last part of filming that we had planned - the time lapse - which are using to show isolation in our opening.

I took on this challenge by setting up the camera on a hill overlooking Bodiam fortunately the sun was shinign which is what we had hoped for to give the best impact.
I made markers as to where the camera was so that I could reposition it once I had completed the filming of myself as 'Ada' the main character. However, this proved to be a difficult thing to do as I could not be present at the location all day and struggled to get the camera back into it's exact previous position. In addition to this I only managed to film twice during the day and this did not work when we uploaded the footage to Premiere.

As a result of this I am going to re-do the shoot on the 26/03/11. I will be able to stay at the location all day and plan to film every hour and take a picture every half hour so that we have a selection of shots. Of course, the weather will be a huge factor as to whether I will be successful or not but with it officially being spring I am hoping that the sun will be shining.

B- Today's Discussion On Fonts

The font we have chosen for our film opening is Network Vampire, we got this font from the website
Here is an example of the font...
Check Spelling

To incorporate the font into the theme of our opening we have decided to do some filming of words in books and magazines such as alone, isolated and sorry. This also works well with our original concept as it continues the idea of conflict within the mind and the feeling of guilt.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

AP Evaluation Of First Day of Filming 'Park Shoot'

Our first shoot took place at St John's Park in Tunbridge Wells. We spent 30/40mins shooting scenes for our opening seqeunce including a shot of Becki on a swing which we will use as a flashback in our dream montage.

Whilst shooting these shots I discovered an intersting high angle shot of Becki swinging which I think we could incorporate into our opening quite nicely.

Stills: To be uploaded...

Overall this was a succesful shoot. The weather was perfect and there were no factors like the nosey general public or bad weather that affected our filming. We hope that this continues. :)

B- More Progress

(22/03/11) Today we continued to sort through our footage and started to get it into a rough order on the time line. We are using quick cuts in our final piece in order to create a greater sense of tension. As the final piece is a montage we have used lots of short shots in order to create a sense of confusion following the idea of confusion within the mind.

My favourite shots so far are...

  • The blood covered knife falling at high brooms station, i feel that this shot is really effective and a great way to follow the conventions of a thriller.
  • The running water shot in Bodiam juxtaposed to the running water of the bath works really well and provides a contrast as well as helping the montage to flow.
  • I also love the park shots showing her guilt in that the girl was innocent and happy, i think again that this works really well in creating the sense of guilt and isolation as well as confusion within the mind.

B- Update Of Progress

(21/03/11) Today we uploaded all the footage from all the shoots onto premier, our editing software. So far we have simply sorted through the footage as to what we are going to use and the footage in which we needed to get rid off. Overall the footage looks good and i think that we have a lot of scope in order to create a good final piece although there are some re shoots which we need to do for example the time lapse. Here is a screen shot of Premiere the editing software in which we are using...


Monday 21 March 2011

Group- Story Board

What is a storyboard, a graphic organizer such as a series of illustrations or images displayed in sequence.

The purpose of a storyboard is to pre-visualise a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive media sequence.

Here is an example of our storyboards and a rough idea of the order of our footage.

Page 1- This shows the first shots we are planning to take, these include a low angle shot of Becki coming down the stars as well as a CU shot of the knife to show the conventions of a thriller. The storyboard also includes an overview of the shots and the location, for this page the location is High Brooms station.

Page 2- Page two consists of the Bodiam, time lapse shoot as well as some of the Tunbridge Wells station shots, the crowd shots. There is an overview of this as you can see at the bottom of the page. Shots from this section consist of a LS of the tunnel, a low angle shot of someone running as well as the shots for our time lapse.

Page 3- This shoots from this page are located at, Tunbridge Wells station, St johns park and High Brooms station. The storyboard shows the planned transitions 'Fade into' as well as effects such as A colour wash over frame 15 which we intent to use. Other shots planned are the MLS of Becki on a swing as well as a CU/ECU of the bubbles.

Page 4- The location of these shoots is High Brooms Station, St johns park and Becki's house. Specific shots planned for this are a CU Birdseye view shot of Abbi's face under the water, A CU of blood stained hands and a CU of a guilty face.

Friday 18 March 2011

Group- Props

In order to shoot our murder scene we needed two main props...

One was a knife, for this we used a medium size kitchen knife in order to conform to the thriller conventions in comparison to using a massive knife which we feel would conform more to a horror film. We also covered the knife in blood for some shots which worked really well and was effective in making the murder seem realistic.

For our second prop we needed fake blood, in order to create this we used golden syrup, red food dye and water. This worked really well and looked realistic so adds a really good effect to our filming.

B- Second Day Filming: The Start And End Of The Dream + Bath Shot

Location of filming- House

Here is our call sheet for the shoot-

Here is the risk assessment of the shoot-

Here is a still from the location in which our footage was shot, the bath we are using in order to create the idea of disorientation of the dream.

The bath shots worked really well and i managed to get some really effective MCU shots of Abbi's face under the water as well as some shots of her coming out of the water in a state of panic.

Other shots included running water which we can use as part of our montage as well as candles to create an atmosphere and to provide lighting for the shoot. Both of these shots were successful although the lighting is quite dark but we can sort that out through the use of editing software.

Another shot from this shoot was the final shot in our opening of the woman waking up from the dream, this shot did not work very well and needs to be re- done on the 24/03/11. The reason this shot did not work is because it looks to fake as it is shot to far away, to change this we are going to shoot a CU/ MCU of just her face waking up and from a canted angle in order to create a feeling of disorientation like you feel when first waking up.

Here are some stills from the original shoot-

Thursday 10 March 2011

B- First Shoot Planning

The first location we will be shooting at is St Johns park. Here we will be shooting shots 15, 17, 18, 20 and 21 of our story board.

Here is our call sheet for the shoot.
  • The call sheet consists of a list of numbers of everyone who needs to be on set in order to ensure that everyone can get in contact with each other if needs be.
  • There is also a list of shots corresponding to our storyboard so that we can ensure we know exactly what we need to get out of the shoot.

Here is our risk assessment for the shoot.
The main risks which are involved in our shoot are...

  • slipping or tripping over in the park which e will be cautious of in order to make sure that nothing is damaged.
  • The camera being damaged if there is rain, we will take a plastic bag and an umbrella to protect the camera and to prevent damage.
  • The main road, we will be extra cautious of the road and use the proper crossings.
  • Falling off or being injured by the swings in the park, again we will be extra careful and aware of our surroundings to reduce the risk of this.

Friday 4 March 2011

Group- The 'Pitch'